
Welcome to sociologicaloverload.blogspot.com, a site that features interesting, informative, and most of all entertaining commentary on a wide variety of topics. It was created to provide people studying or interested in sociology with a space to generate new ideas and discuss issues on a diverse range of topics, ranging from sport to cuisine, art to healthcare.

Remember that everyone is trying to figure out all this stuff too. Thoughts are shared with you so that we can all gain a deeper understanding of the world in which we live. You may not necessarily agree with the viewpoints and ideas that are presented on this site. But the point is to elicit sociological conversation and not to use posts as an opportunity to vent.
About the Author

Edward Loveman is a PhD student in the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University. His current research interrogates the topics of Whiteness and Imperialism within International Sport Mega Event audiences. Broadly speaking he is interested in topics from across the field of sociology, always discussed with the aim of addressing the most pressing challenges we face. More specifically, his research focus is on the topics of Sport, Critical Theory, English Identity, Imperialism and Postcolonialism. He holds a MRes Sociology and a BA Sport & Social Science, both from the University of Bath.

To see regular insights into his topics of interest, follow Edward on Twitter @LovemanEdward or Instagram @edwardloveman.
